Week 12.

Its official.I am now completely 3 months 🙂

Based on much of my readings,the bump is supposed to start showing already.And indeed it shows.Its more like a bloating, but i think this one is a bit bigger. My waist-high pants/kain baju kurung is already feeling tight, now what is left is the low cut jeans (which i think i will outgrow soon anyway).

I actually did some maternity pants shopping in KL last few weeks, and i am loving this basic pants i got from Modernmum.I thinks its worth the penny (i got it for 50% less) because it is supercomfy and its a bootcut 😀 A colleague even thought that i am still wearing jeans. Talk about keeping the style huh?

Oh please no, i am not going to splurge too much at Modernmum anymore. Biasalah, excited.Mesti nak try skit kan? Hehe. My friend told me that i can get cheaper maternity tops everywhere,so,yeah i will do that.The thing is i always like to splurge on pants because i think its important to have a comfortable one.

Lately i also notice pregnant women more, its almost like i just found out that pregnancy is a norm (d’oh). We were grocery shopping in East Coast Mall last weekend, and everywhere i turn there is preggy woman. Haha. That is good right?

Besides the pregnancy, this month is also special to hubby and I. Because this month is the time for celebration.First comes hubby’s birthday, then mine, then our wedding anniversary 🙂 So to mark the beginning of the celebration, i took hubby for a surprise birthday dinner at Swiss Garden Kuantan (which honestly, the food, was not so great,so dont go). Anyway hubby enjoyed it, and i am glad he did. It’s the thought that counts.Hehe.

We are considering a babymoon for the anniversary,but it has not been finalized yet.Hope it happens.Last chance to spend all the time we want, just the two of us.Coz when baby comes, our lives will revolve around him/her already.

Happy 29 Years Young!

Ok so thats it for now.I vow to update more frequently now onwards (hehe).

One thought on “Week 12.”

  1. good maternity pants, good stroller and good breastpump!

    nnt kan, bile start nak beli stroller (or bile dah beli), baru la perasan yg ramai je org tolak stroller dlm shopping mall, and byk jenis.. 😀
    u better start saving for one!

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